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Day 17

Today was a great day eating wise.  I feel good about my food choices, and got my water in.  Doing well makes me feel motivated to do even better.  It’s like a circle, the better I do the more motivated I become.  Which in turn makes me do better! Todays exercise: Ran/walk 1.5 miles Upper body weight training workout Cardio Resistance class

Day 16

Ran 1.5 miles this morning.  Did step class tonight. Very frustrated with the eating, as I’m not eating enough.  Water consumption is good!  I will get this eating under control!  Very happy I am meeting my exercise goals though.

Day 15

I am so thankful to be home and have my training studio to work out in!  I did some band exercises then did a great Bootcamp workout.  Feels great!  Went food shopping and feel like my eating is also on track.  It’s so hard to maintain while traveling, but I plan on hitting it hard before my next trip.   Always helps to have a plan.  With my journal, I can put down my goals for the next day, and that helps to motivate me when I get up in the ...

Day 14

Another travel day so I walked 2 miles this morning.  I am looking forward to getting back on schedule tomorrow.  I’m so sick of plane flights!

Day 13

I finally ran 2 miles pain free!! woohoooo!  Then I did some pushups, dips and planks.  Felt so good.  I really feel my best when I stay on track.  Having a plan, and then executing the plan really is a sense of accomplishment.  I treated myself to a steak and ale pie at a cute little pub we visited.  It’s my favorite meal in England so I’m not going to feel bad.  Instead, I know that once I get home I will get back on schedule (I leave ...

Day 12

What a beautiful day in England!  And warm!  Perfect day for a run.  I started off, however due to the plane flights and other events that caused me to sit for long periods of time, my glute pull has become problematic.  So I ended up run/walking it for 1.5 miles.  Still good.  Tomorrow my goal is to run, then do some body weight resistance training.  I ate well today and also drank a lot of water.  So I feel good and tomorrow is another day!

Day 11

Well my body is still recovering from the time difference and crazy sleep schedule…can you say jet lag?  So I woke up early today and am considering taking a quick walk, but not sure my schedule today will allow it.  I definitely plan on walking tomorrow.  My plan is to walk and then do either a no equipment video or just do some natural bodyweight exercises.  I don’t feel too bad about not exercising as I hadn’t taken a break before I left to travel, and ...

Day 10

Well I arrived in London and immediately had to walk miles to immigration, so there was my exercise for the day!  And when I say miles I’m not lying!  It had to be at least 3 miles or so….and I was hustling to beat the crowds of people!  I was sweating and breathing hard for at least 20 minutes or so.  So there you go!  You do what you can when you are traveling.

Day 9

Another travel day, so I thought I would get a day of a run/walk 2.5 miles, weight training workout and stretch.  The next two days are questionable as to whether I get a workout in, but at least I got a good hour and half workout in today.  Preparation is key!  I’ll feel better knowing I got this good workout in!  

Day 8

This morning I did a run/walk for 2.5 miles.  I caught this adorable family scene and stopped to take a pic.  I could have run past, worrying about my run, and exercise.  But I was glad I stopped and took time to see what’s around me.  I’m glad I didn’t miss something really sweet.  It made my morning great and was a great start to my day. Take time to catch the little things in life.  Don’t be so focused on your goals that you can’t ...


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